Friday, August 25, 2023

The Summer of Eye Discontent


The Summer of Eye Discontent”

Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ

He is my pioneer

In this the winter of my life,

He is the author of my faith

He brings contentment.

Right eye, wrong eye

Focus near, focus far, or not

Wear glasses now half-accurate

Blink, Blink, Blink

What is left?

The other eye becomes right.

Where, then will that leave me?

Content or not?

Fix my eyes on Him in

Every circumstance of my life

God will make for my good

If my focus is on Him.

Crystal clear vision

Through spiritual eyes

Brings true contentment.

The peace of God

Reigns in my heart now

The seasons of my life flee

and long far away there

I glimpse eternity.

--Bev Field 20 Jun 2023