Monday, March 26, 2012

Cross Pollination - Bee and Quantum Physics; BEE and Isaiah

What is Cross Pollination?
          There seems to be little difference in the definitions of "pollination" and "cross pollination" defined as the transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another, as by the action of the wind or insects; the genetic exchange of information in two different plants to reproduce more members of the same species, or a cross of the two.
          In my life I have seen the cross pollination that can occur to produce amazingly beautiful roses that are sensitive to the sun and change color as they open from a pale yellow bud to a brilliant fluorescent orange flower. I've seen it in life where two widely divergent specialists begin to talk and collaborate. Their talks and research help look at a subject in a new or different way. Pollinators whether people or wind or animals perform a necessary act of creativity in our lives. Fruit is the natural result and totally new concepts are another.
          The United States Post Office honored Pollinators with a beautiful series of stamps that show four different important pollinators. The wind and man were not included here, mind you. 
Butterflies, bats, birds and bees are featured here. All "B"s. 
The Story of Bees and Quantum Physics Parallel my Studies of Art during College
          In the November 1997 issue of "Discover Magazine" Adam Frank tells a story of the amazing story of Barbara Shipman, a mathematician at the University of Rochester. She tells of how her father, a bee researcher for the Department of Agriculture, used to keep his books on honeybees on a shelf in her room. "It may have just been a convenient space. I remember looking at a lot of these books, especially the one by Karl von Frisch." She and her brothers learned all about the honeybee's dance when she was about nine years old.
          Although Von Frisch's Dance Language and Orientation of Bees took over 40 years before being publishing in 1965, beekeepers and entomologists all over the world had been intrigued and frustrated by his findings. Adam Frank goes on to describe the dance saying "It is easy to see why this beautiful and mysterious phenomenon captured Shipman's young and mathematically inclined imagination." He describes the way this choreography coveys the direction of a food source by varying the angle the waggling run makes with an imaginary line running straight up and down. This line connecting the beehive to the food source, and another line connecting the hive and the spot on the horizon just beneath the sun turns out to be the same as the angle of the waggling run to the imaginary vertical line. Frank says, "The bees, it appears, are able to triangulate as well as a civil engineer.
        It turns out, however, that even when the shape or geometry of the dance changes as the distance to the food source changes, it gets very weird if the food source is closer than a particular critical distance! The bee stops doing the waggle dance and switches into the round dance, running in a small circle, reversing and going in the opposite directions after one or two turns or sometimes after only half a turn. Surprisingly, there are a number of variations between species. Wow, dialects in bee communications. I wonder what happens when a European honeybee mates with the aggressive Africanized bee. 
Quantum Bees
          Barbara Shipman entered college as a biochemistry major and studied the blood (hemolymph) of honeybee larvae, but became much more attracted to the beauty of mathematics and switched majors. She began working on a set of geometric problems associated with an esoteric mathematical concept known as a flag manifold (manifold means space) in graduate school while working on her doctoral thesis." This obscure type of mathematics is known only to a small coterie of researchers well-versed in the minutiae of geometry," Frank explains., "she stumbled across what just might be the key to the secrets of the bee's dance."
          The article by Frank is absolutely a mathematician. He does write so that a lay person can understand a very, very complex subject matter. It turns out that Shipman saw by viewing a three dimensional experience using up to ten or a hundred dimensions, how mathematicians can see "shadows" of a different reality. Shipman was busy projecting the six-dimensional residents of the flag manifold onto two dimensions and it made a hexagon, the shape of a bee's honeycomb. Then she found a group of objects in the flag manifold that when projected onto a two-dimensional hexagon, formed curves that reminded her of the bee's dance. The more she explored the manifold the more she found it precisely matched the bee's dance. "I wasn't looking for a connection between bees and the flag manifold," she says, "I was just doing my research. The curves were nothing special in themselves, except that the dance patterns kept emerging."
     Shipman's research captures both the waggle and circle dance characteristics and shows the relationship that includes those really close distances to a food source. "When you have a physical phenomenon like the honeybee dance, and it follows a mathematical structure, you have to ask what are the physical laws that are causing it to happen." Frank says, "She doesn't believe the manifold's presence both in the mathematics of quarks and in the dance of honeybees is a coincidence. She suspects that the bees are somehow sensitive to what's going on in the quantum world of quarks, that quantum mechanics is as important to their perception of the world as sight, sound, and smell."     
SCRIPTURE: "And it came to pass, as the voice was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold discerning it by the spirit of God." --Moses 1:27
SCRIPTURE: "...but there is no God beside me, and all things are present with me, for I know them all." --Moses 1:6
          Moses saw the earth as God saw the earth, every particle of it; he saw as God sees everything present all at once, from the beginning to the eternities. Obviously this is how revelation can take place as God allows his prophets to see as He sees.
          Hugh Nibley (from my notes many years ago thus source not correctly annotated that said, p154 only) "Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea even all of it." That he could see, all of it, every particle. Notice we are dealing with particles, particle physics is is very important today...He saw quarks; he saw protons; he saw neutrons. If he knew all the particles, then he knew of what the earth was composed. "And there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God."  
          "In the books of Enoch and the books of Abraham (not just ours, but the newly discovered ones also) the special knowledge was passed to Seth and from him to Noah; hence from Abraham to the Egyptians, it was the secret of mathematics and astronomy, according to Jewish tradition accepted by the doctors of the Middle Ages right down to Thomas Hood in modern times."
          Nibley goes on to say "In particle physics a professor told about how to account for the action of certain particles, it must be assumed that there is a force that moves with eight times the speed of light. Until now C, the constant, has always been 186,300 miles a second. That sets the boundaries, the limits beyond which we can't go. Now it seems there must be forces to account for reverses especially in certain mirror effects and the "arrow of time" and the like, that must go much faster than light. We see things in terms of the earth." We don't see things from above or with the eye of God that embraces all things at once."
QUOTATION:  by Hugh Nibley from my notes many years ago (source not correctly annotated that said, p39, Treasures in Heavens, pp 82-83) ""Reduced to its simplest form, creation is the action of light upon matter. Matter itself has no power, being burnt out energy, but light reactivates it. Matter is incapable of changing itself--it has no desire to, and so light forces it into the recycling process where it can again work upon it--for light is an organizing principle.
BEE and an Electromagnetic Theory of Viewing Nature
        I have always had a fascination with light and science. My original course of study during my Junior year was to become a scientific illustrator, combing my two interests. However, my inability to memorize was my downfall. Actually learning to draw scientifically correct came in a special studies class with my biology professor. It was also here that I learned that the stress of meeting the deadlines and that most of the work was graphs and calligraphy or printing in scientific illustration. I I didn't like this so I switched completely to a painting and drawing emphasis in fine art for my Bachelor's degree. My love of science didn't go away. When I began my M.A. project and thesis it started something like this: To produce a series of paintings using a newly emerging electromagnetic theory of viewing nature. My professor's didn't quite understand what I meant so I used the words "vibrational" motif and talked about the halo in ancient religious art. It turned out to be a bit prophetic because within the following year, vibrations were all around everything in the psychedelic art of the late 60's and early 70's.
          My fascination with light and art has continued through the years, especially as it relates to the gospel of Jesus Christ, who said, "I am the light of the world."--John 8:12.  In the Bible Dictionary it says that the Light of Christ comes upon mankind because of Jesus Christ. For instance, Christ is "the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (D & C 93:2; John 1:9). The light of Christ fills the "immensity of space" and is the means by which Christ is able to be "in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things." It "giveth life to all things" and is "the law by which all things are governed." It is also "the light that quickeneth" man's understanding. (This is not to be confused with the Holy Ghost.)
SCRIPTURE: "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall hiss (signal, call for) the ...bee that is in the land of Assyria." --Isaiah 7:18
          I've never been particularly interested in the fly so that's left out of the verse above (maybe a study for another day) and I'll just ponder all that I've learned about the bee. Shipman concluded back in 2007 that "I think the physics of the bees' bodies, their physiology, must be constructed such that they're sensitive to quantum fields--that is, the bee perceives these fields through quantum mechanical interactions between the fields and the atoms in the membranes of certain cells."  
          Shipman's ideas and my own college experience converge as Frank tries to explain that bees have a sensitivity to an effect known as nuclear magnetic resonance, or nmr, when an electromagnetic wave impinges on the nuclei of atoms and flips their orientation. nmr is considered a quantum mechanical effect because it takes place only if each atom absorbs a particular size packet, or quantum, of electromagnetic energy. My thesis was to show the "life force" or light that all living things emit. We can communicate subtly with each other as one spirit to another. When this spirit is removed, our body dies. I suspect that a bee has this same type of light or spirit within their bodies. If this is how God communicates with the bee or a rock or a fly and it obeys, maybe we should also. 
          I think we as humans also have the ability to "see as God sees" because of the "light which is in all things, and through all things and around all things." If we desire for this ability, pray for this gift, live worthy of this gift, and it's God's will and desire for our lives to be enhanced as well as for the benefit of the world and help build His kingdom upon the earth, then we will receive it. 
          The bee is in communication with the same "light" and "quantum mechanics" that we are, so that if the Lord hisses or signals for them to come, they will. Shouldn't we be found in that same position? If God asks us to do something, shouldn't we DO IT? Isaiah warns us over and over again, not to become too involved in our idols, but to do what God asks us to do. Are we busy searching and understanding Isaiah, then applying our own backgrounds, interests, hobbies and experiences to understand our part in building the kingdom of God upon the earth. That is why I am blogging about "A Genealogist Looks at Isaiah."

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