Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Transition from Life - Who We Really Are

I have not written here for several weeks. My beloved eternal companion, Bob Field, passed away in the early morning hours of Wednesday, May 9th.
Bob Field 1930 - 2012
           I have kept a journal of all the sacred moments we shared; I also made long lists of all the people in my ward who have comforted me, given service to both Bob and me. They are shining examples of followers of Christ.  In the Book of Mormon, Alma explains to those who desire to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, what is required of them.
SCRIPTURE: "... and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;
          "Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life-"
          "Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?"
 -- Mosiah 18: 8-10
The people there clapped their hands for joy and exclaimed "This is the desire of our hearts." The members of my ward family found joy in serving Bob and me during his last weeks on earth. 
          It is during these very poignant times that one ponders Who We Really Are. As I told you on my post of April 28th, I found out who Bob really was during an epiphany experience that I had before we were married in the summer of 1978.
          While talking with Bob, whom I’d never met, on our second phone call, the Holy Ghost descended upon me, enabling me to see or know Bob as God knows him. I beheld his eternal nature. I was humbled that this great soul would select me to be his eternal companion…and yes, at that moment I knew that he would indeed ask me to marry him, and we would be sealed together in the temple for time and all eternity. 
            Needless to say, I didn’t apply this vision to myself. I just knew how great Bob was. I’d seen him in the pre-existence, saw how he agreed to the circumstances of this life he was to live here on earth, and then I was privileged to see him in the eternities as God saw him. 
            While our family was living on the island of Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands (1990-1994)
An LDS friend shared with me that she was of the literal seed or descent from Jesus Christ. Whether this was real revelatory knowledge or was stated in her patriarchal blessing, I cannot remember. But it gave her strength to carry on during times of trials and hardships as well as during physical distress or illness. It matters not whether she is indeed literally his heir, because it stands as a symbol of her divine nature and how Christ helps her during trails while here in mortality. The reality is that Christ’s sacrifice helps bring her into at-one-ment with God, both now and after death. Doesn’t this reality apply to all of us?  
           This shared view of her reality suddenly brought into focus what I’d learned about Bob’s eternal nature as it related to me.  I, too, must be endowed with this same nature. Because I had “seen” Bob’s past, present and future knowing that he had selected and agreed with the family and circumstances he was born into because it was for his own good or growth, I then must assume that I also had agreed in the pre-existence to my own life. Since God loved Bob (and I had felt His great love that he had for this son) perfectly and could see everything about him from the beginning to the end, I had to draw the logical conclusion that not only was Bob great, but so was I. Now that thought was a little tougher to swallow.  I couldn’t quite bring myself to accept this totally. In 1999 while living in Guadalajara, Mexico, I came across a perfect description of just exactly what I had experienced in my epiphany in a book called “Spiritual Progression in the Last Days” By Blaine M. Yorgason.[1]
            This is the exact moment in my life that I gained an understanding of my eternal nature and true identity. I want to share these passages from his book with the hope that it will awake in others the knowledge of who they truly are. It is what I was searching for all of my life. This is the knowledge that banishes all fear. Now I quote Yorgason:
            “Unfortunately, based on my own limited experience in discussing the issue of spiritual progression with others, I am forced to conclude that not many will press forward—not because we can’t, mind you, but solely because we won’t. Why? Primarily, I believe, because we fear.
            “We know something of our own carnal natures – the natural man we all inherited at birth – and we fear that we can not put it behind us. And even when we actually overcome the natural man by being born again, we continue to fear like Laman and Lemuel, that the Lord will make no such glorious things known to us as He has promised .”[2]
            “I have pondered long on this, and I believe that such paralyzing fear, while satanically inspired, stems almost wholly from not understanding our eternal natures and identities. I also believe that many of the difficulties we experience in mortality could be avoided or at least made lighter if we could only come to such an eternal understanding more quickly.”
            “As President John Taylor taught: This is the reason why we are here, and kicked and cuffed around, and hated and despised by the world. The reason why we do not live in peace is because we are not prepared for it. We are tempted and tried, driven, mobbed, and robbed; apostates are in our midst, which cause trouble and vexation of spirit, and it is all to keep down our pride and teach us to honor the God of Jacob in all things and to make us appear who we really are.” [3]
            “Even when we hear of those who will inherit the celestial kingdom, we desire to be one of them and have met the requirements to be such, yet many of us continue to say, ‘But that isn’t me God is talking about. It can’t be! I know myself too well, and I’ll never make it that far – at least not in this life.”
         Yorgason continues, “If you find yourself entertaining such thoughts, which are more typical than you might imagine, then please consider the following which I have found helpful. On Christmas day in 1844, W.W. Phelps wrote a letter that was published in the Times and Seasons 5:758, wherein he spoke of the meaning of eternity.”
            “Brother Phelps wrote: That eternity (the one during which Christ’s doings have been known), agreeable to the records found in the catacombs of Egypt, has been going on in this system … almost two thousand five hundred and fifty-five million of years.”
            “Elder Bruce R. McConkie, who quotes a small portion of this letter, adds: That is to say, the papyrus from which the Prophet Joseph translated the Book of Abraham, to whom the Lord gave a knowledge of his infinite creations, also contained this expression relative to what apparently is the universe in which we live, which universe has been created by the Father through the instrumentality of the Son.”[4]
            “Thus, Jehovah began His eternal reign some two thousand five hundred fifty-five million years ago, or, said another way, two and a half billion years. That was when. But how, where, and why did Christ’s eternal reign begin?”
            “In answer, Joseph Smith spoke of  ‘the head of the Gods’ calling a ‘council of the Gods’ to arrange for the creation and peopling of the earth[5] as well as of ‘the grand council of heaven’ in which those destined ‘to minister to the inhabitants of the world’ were ‘ordained’ to their respective callings.[6] It was one of these councils, held only a little less than 2,555,000,000 years ago, that Jehovah offered himself as the one to go down to earth and bring to pass the Father’s plan of salvation through His own life and death and resurrection.”[7]
          As Yorgason continues, “What astounds me, is that each of us was also in attendance  at least one of those councils on that long ago date, offering a sustaining vote in our Savior’s behalf, rejecting Lucifer’s counterfeit plan, and being absolutely certain of our own identities as we did so. And once Jehovah had been sustained as God and Christ, we who had thus kept our first estates were foreordained to our own future mortal assignments, and set about learning how to accomplish them. Elder McConkie writes[8] that:  Since men are foreordained to gain exaltation, and since no man can be exalted without the priesthood, it is almost self-evident that worthy brethren were foreordained to receive the priesthood. And so we find Alma teaching that those who held the Melchizedek Priesthood in this
life were ‘called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God.’[9]
            “Remember – the foundation of the world was 2.5 billion years ago. And Joseph Smith said, ‘Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world, and this includes all who held the Melchizedek Priesthood, were ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was. I suppose that I was ordained to this very office in that Grand council.’[10]
          “Therefore, I conclude that despite the fairly negative pictures most of us have of ourselves as struggling and usually failing weak mortals (which picture is based on satanically inspired doubts as well as an incredibly brief span of time here on earth that we are allowed to remember), we are all, in reality, ancient beings filled with glory, light and knowledge. And we acquired those godly traits by exercising ‘exceeding faith and good works’[11]over at least two and a half billion years of time.”
            “With that mind-boggling fact before us, consider these questions:
1)                  Since I know that I had an eternal pre-mortal identity separate from what I am today, what do I suppose my name was during that lengthy life we call our first estate?
2)                  Is not that glorious and ancient identity more properly the “true” me than the one I know now, which is at best no more than a few decades old?
3)                  Is two and a half billion years sufficient time for me to have become acquainted not only with Christ and our Father, but also with all the holy angels such as Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael?
4)                  Is it not possible that I not only knew such great beings but also mingled among them as an eternal equal, even with similar assignments? And …
5)                  Since I successfully kept my first estate for at least two and a half billion years, isn’t it foolish and shortsighted for me to doubt my ability to keep my second estate for a mere seventy or eighty years?
            “It is no wonder that the devil, who has an intimate knowledge of our true identities, tries so hard to convince us that we are without spiritual merit. If he can’t, then he knows he has lost, and we will never be miserable like him.”
            “Jesus Christ lives and stands waiting with outstretched arms to ‘take up his abode with us,’ and He will do so as quickly as we are willing to put aside the world and give our hearts and lives wholly to Him.’
          Is the "true" me willing to keep my second estate until the end as did my eternal companion? Yes. I am not really alone. Heavenly Father is intimately aware of me and my needs both large and small. Often he meets these needs through the tender mercies of the members of my ward family. He allows me the comfort in knowing that Bob is serving on the other side of the veil, through impressions that I have have received. And he has given me a daughter, Brianna, who loves me and spends time with me. Her husband Ricky promised Bob that he would look out for his "girls" for him; and he has been doing just that. I feel loved, not lonely.

[1]SpiritualProgression in the Last Days” by Blaine M. Yorgason, 1994, Deseret Book, epilogue.
[2] 1 Nephi 15:8-10
[3] John Taylor, Times and Seasons, 6:1, 100-101.
[4] Bruce R. McConkie, The Mortal Messiah, Book 1, 1979, Deseret Book, p. 32-33, footnotes.
[5] See D&C 121:30-32; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith,  pp 348-349.
[6] Teachings p 365
[7] See Abraham 3:27; Moses 4:1-2; Isaiah 14:13-14; see also The Promised Messiah,  p 48.
[8] Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:328.

[9] Alma 13:1-12.
[10] Teachings, p 365.
[11] Alma 13:3

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Mystery of the Shortbread Cookie Caper Solved

The Mention of Bob's Shortbread Cookie Desire is Answered
          Just hours after I posted my April 27th blog entitled "A Swarm of Service," a mysterious thing happened. It was quite dark out, I was listening to the TV in my room when I heard Bob calling out to me. He said, "Did you hear the doorbell ring?" No, I replied, and got up to go look. I turned on the porch light and there sat a large, red lidded Rubbermaid storage container filled with shortbread cookies sitting upon the mail from our mailbox. But there was no sign of a car or anyone around.

          I delivered the cookies to Bob and WOW were they GOOD. Buttery, perfectly crunchy and not too soft, and large! Each cookie measured about 3 inches across. They were Empress cookies. The best we'd ever eaten. Thus began the search for the Cookie Queen who' bestowed a gift after Bob's request for shortbread cookies.
          It was perfect timing because as he began to spend more time in bed and wake during the night, he could munch a cookie without waking me when he got hungry.

          Of course, I was trying to lose weight, so I was glad they were beyond my sight and reach most of the time  (I actually only ate one from this batch). But alas, he ran out of them. He begged me to find out who had made these fabulous cookies. He made me call Relief Society to help hunt for the Queen of Shortbread Cookies! Everyone that was asked said it wasn't them. It had to be someone who'd read my blog. Although I'd posted a link to that blog on my Facebook page, and posted a link on the Sisters of Picture Rocks Facebook Page (comprised of 57 women in my ward who share non-religious networking tips, ideas, etc.with each other) I never mentioned Bob's Shortbread Cookie desire. Someone had clicked on the Facebook link, saw a need and decided to perform an act of service.
          I never knew I was married to the Cookie Monster! When I was talking to the 2nd Counselor in Relief Society, Ann Bodmer, Bob got on the phone and said, this is serious!!! It's a matter of life and death!!!!! We all laughed but I knew he was a bit serious about it. When Ann called Liz Gary to see if it was her, she posted a request on TSOPR Facebook page to find out who'd made them because now the fame of these absolutely delicious cookies was spreading far and wide. Everyone wanted the recipe. At 2:30pm the next afternoon, two plastic bags of "warm" right-out-the-oven, shortbread cookies arrived again at our door.
          After this delivery the cookies were almost gone in a day. Bob had become a Cookie Monster.

          This time I was nearer the front door when the doorbell rang, but when I got there, the cookies and the mail were there and no one else. I stepped out on the porch peered around the saguaro and then heard a car (hidden by a big ironwood tree at the edge of the driveway) pull out onto the road going West and caught a quick glimpse of a maroon van!!! I only knew two people who had vans. I called the first one...she told me her van was green. THAT ONLY LEFT ONE! The Worl Family. They used to give me rides to church when Bob had early morning ward council meetings. But it had been over a year ago, and they'd added twin boys to their family. But every time Mattie, now age 9, and Caleb, now age 5, would see me at church they'd call out to me and give me big smiles...we'd bonded. So I called Tatiana, their mother, and indeed it was the three of them that baked the cookies and delivered them. It was the kids idea to bring our mail up to the door! Mystery solved.

There is More to the Story
          Tatiana shared with me that they'd never meant it to be secret, but the first time no one answered the bell or knocking on the door so they left. The second time was purposeful; they parked behind our house and made a quick get away! She told me how special it was that the kids were so excited about helping bake and deliver the cookies. When she saw the post, she had to go looking all over for the great shortbread recipe she remembered using in the past and at last found it in a book called "Christmas Cookies."
          She really felt a prompting to do this little act of kindness for Bob. She shared a special story with me about her grandfather who was failing in health having had a series of strokes. His favorite thing to do was to go walking with his dog, but he'd done less and less of this after each health setback. She felt prompted to go over to his home in a mobile home park one Friday and ask if he'd like to go for a walk. The response was YES!!!! They walked all around visiting with neighbors and their dogs, etc. They had a wonderful time. The following Sunday he had a massive stroke, and soon died.
          Brianna had a similar experience with her father, Bob. They went out to lunch at Saffron, an Indian food restaurant in Tucson. The food was fabulous, their conversation covered the many topics they both love and she'd left the kids with G.G. so that they could focus on each other. That is a cherished memory for both of them. Bob is not able to go out like this anymore. He is basically home bound now.
          The lesson learned is NEVER put off those promptings to do little acts of kindness. Tatiana, Bob and I have pondered who benefits the most. Certainly the one being served is grateful (she worried whether he'd be offended at the presumption that he needed to have some service rendered  andI assured her he would never, ever mind shortbread cookies! and as a stressed spouse, I am very, very grateful for every act of kindness to my husband in his last days); or we pondered,whether the one doing the serving is chalking up the "brownie points" or "gold stars" in their crown. We've decided that when the Savior said:
"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." --Mosiah 2:17; Matthew 25:40
          By his example, the Savior was showing us that it is better to give than receive, but in order for there to be opportunities for this service someone has to be in need. There is a time in life to give service and an other time in life to receive service from others. This includes helping teach our children how to serve others.
"But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another." --Mosiah 4:15
          Certainly Tatiana was teaching Mattie and Caleb to love and serve others.
          King Benjamin goes on in verse 16 of Mosiah to tell all of us, "And also, ye yourselves will succor those that stand in need of your succor; ye will administer of your substance unto him that standeth in need; "
Mattie gives Bob a refill of Shortbread Cookies

Tatiana, Caleb and Mattie make a late night delivery
Tatiana shares the recipe here for the most delicious, rich, buttery shortbread cookies we've ever tasted:
HINT: you can NOT substitute margarine, etc. in the following recipe. You must use REAL BUTTER!

Basic Shortbread Cookies

1 cup   butter, softened
½ C     sugar
¼ tspn vanilla extract
2 ½ C  unbleached all-purpose flour
⅛ tspn salt

Beat butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy, gradually add sugar, beating well. Stir in vanilla.
Combine flour and salt, gradually add to butter mixture, beating at low speed until blended. Dough will be crumbly.
Roll dough to ½ inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Cut in small rectangular cookies ( Bob liked them 3” X 3”) or cut with a 2 ½ inch round cutter or shaped Christmas cookie cutter. Place 2 inches apart on an ungreased baking sheet.
Bake at 275° for 50 minutes or until bottoms begin to brown. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheet, remove to a wired rack to cool completely.
--courtesy of “Christmas Cookies”