Friday, January 6, 2012

A Life Examined

The title of my blog comes from the verse found at Malachi 3:16 which reads, “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.”
I believe that each of us has some special insight into a few topics that we can share with others as a testimony of sacred principles. One such testimony of mine is that the Lord speaks through his Patriarchs to give individuals divine counsel that is very specific to them.
At least once a week, I will be posting some tips for getting the most out of your patriarchal blessing. The counsel contained in your own blessing may be hidden from your view, just as the scriptures sometimes seem dull or boring or even not understandable upon first or cursory reading. The scriptures are much more that we first notice. Sometimes our not completely understanding them is because we don’t know the meaning of the words, or they are written in a literary form that brings added emphasis, but we don’t even see that literary format. There are many books written about understanding scriptures and many scholars have made lifetime studies of certain prophets or books of scripture.
I suggest that you make understanding your Patriarchal Blessing a lifetime study. Because this is the Lord’s word to you to help guide you in your life, He will inspire you and support you in every effort you make towards understanding what your life is all about. Examine you life. Examine your Patriarchal Blessing. Are they in tune with each other?

Begin Today - Do It!

 How often have you read your Patriarchal Blessing? If this is your own personal scripture revealed from God, how often do you think you should read it?
            We are told to study our scriptures daily. No, I’m not suggesting that you read your patriarchal blessing every day, but shouldn’t you give it a regular place in your scripture study? There are insights to be learned by a regular, diligent study of the Lord’s personalized message to you.
I am hoping that you too will find out how the Lord blesses us, as we take the time to STUDY his words to us through the inspired counsel of the your stake patriarch. After 30 years, I’ve found hidden meanings in words and phrases that are in my own patriarchal blessing.

Find the Scriptures Quoted in your Blessing

 MY SUGGESTION: “Remember to Start this Reading with a Prayer”
Find the scriptures that may be quoted in your blessing and then read the entire chapter where they are located in the Standard Works.
Next print them out so you may add it to your Book of Remembrance or record it in your journal with the thoughts that come from reading it. If you find no actual scripture in yours, find a phrase that is familiar and find it in the topical guide,  then look up those scriptures.
For example the only scripture actually quoted in mine is:
“We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell; and we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.” -- Abraham 3: 24-25
I ponder this and often ask myself am I doing all things what the Lord has commanded of me? Over the years this has come to mean more than doing or obeying the basic commandments; it means, am I in tune with the Spirit and doing what is being asked of me daily in all the various areas of my life, including family and callings?

In more personal language, "Will I do all things whatsoever the Lord my God shall command?" I've prayed over this and found these phrases in my patriarchal blessing that say, I "shall be an influence for good amongst my fellow associates and friends," as well as, that I shall have a determination in my heart, "to bring to pass much righteousness upon the earth," I’ve been prompted to begin this form of communication, my Malachi 3:16 blog.

QUOTE: by Elder Joseph B Wirthlin, May 2007 Conference Issue of the Ensign, a talk entitled “Life’s Lessons Learned.”
            “I urge you to examine your life. Determine where you are and what you need to do to be the kind of person you want to be. Create inspiring, noble, and righteous goals that fire your imagination and create excitement in your heart. And then keep your eye on them. Work consistently towards achieving them.
            Elder Wirthlin quotes Henry David Thoreau, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” (Walden, ed. J Lyndon Shanley, 1971, p 323)

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