Friday, January 13, 2012

Lineage - Is it a Chain, Chain-link Fence or a Bucky Ball?

 What About the Women?
THOUGHT:  If we think of our patriarchal lineage declared in our patriarchal blessing as a line, even a Priesthood line, back in time to our righteous forefathers, what about the women? How do they fit into this line or chain? Girls as well as boys are sealed to their father and his wife. Yet they are also sealed to their husbands. What chain is theirs, I wondered. Now I’ve begun to think of this more as a chain link mesh than a single chain. Perhaps this chain link mesh is similar to the atomic construction of a ‘bucky ball’ or Buckminsterfullerine, a recently discovered carbon molecule. The properties of this molecule include that it can hold within it’s sphere-like ball, other things, AND that it is, as a whole, impenetrable even to bombardment by radioactivity. Unbelievably it is also so delicate that it is ubiquitous and even appears in the dusty ashes of a campfire.

            As a symbol, this allows our imagination to visualize how the world might be saved from the great burning spoken of by Malachi. In the safety of our families linked with both sons and daughters and their spouses, the earth would be covered by the Priesthood thru all generations of time and throughout all eternity. The women are essential to this as they are sealed to their spouses who hold the Priesthood because it strengthens that singular chain into a mesh.
            Ponder this: Father Lehi’s lineage was through Manasseh, how did Ephraim get into the mix? Ishmael and his daughters where from the tribe of Ephraim. So are the women important? Yes. 
All About Ephraim
            In the book, “Ephraim, Chosen of the Lord: What it Means to be of the Tribe ofEphraim” by Shute, Nyman and Bott on page 7, is found this paragraph that will be the topic of one of my next blogs:
            “Of all the confusion that does reign today, the one pertaining to the nature of man and his relationship with God is most pronounced. We speak particularly about the idea of a chosen or a favored people. For most people caught up in the political correctness of our day, however this is an abhorrent idea. But we say, that if we are sufficiently humble to learn from the scriptures and modern prophets, we will be able to bring to light all the hidden things” (D & C 123:13) so that we will know who we are and what earth life is all about—that God’s plan is clear and equitable, even though some are chosen or favored.”

QUOTE: “God bless us that we shall treasure our heritage, that we shall recognize that we are to do an unusual thing. We are not called to be imitators, we are called to be exemplars to the world, a light that shall shine until the day will come when from the east to the west, the north to the south, they will come, not to look upon our lands, nor our fields, nor our factories, but to learn our ways that they may walk in our paths, and thereby find peace, preservation and salvation now and eternally.”
--Melvin J. Ballard, General Conference Address, October 1927

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