The past week has been absolutely beautiful in my corner of Arizona, Picture Rocks. As I drive the road into Tucson the purple lupine-like wildflowers are carpeting the sides of the road.
On one day it was just a blanket of golden flowers, with their bright yellow color flowing through the desert floor in contrast to the upright saguaros and prickly cactus.
Then the next day the purple bloomed as a surprise, and little bushes of pink buckwheat like flowers appeared. Finally little white daisy like flowers were sprinkled throughout the purple. I keep waiting for a really cold snap to bring reality back. So far so good. The beauty of the desert is still all around me.
The photo historian in me wants to pull over with all the other gawkers to capture this mid winter phenomenon. There is no way February 18th thru 29th is Spring! Tell that to the thousands who descend upon Tucson for the International Soccer Team's games (just ask David Beckham) or the hundred thousand who watched famous golfers from all over the world in the Accenture Match Play week long series of World Championship Golf games at the Ritz Carlton, Dove Mountain in Marana (last year the golfers woke up to snow on the ground.)
What are the locals doing during this fortunate spell of great weather? They are attending the annual Vaqueros Rodeo Days. Even the little guys, "bust mutton" riding on large sheep to compete. Only in Tucson is President's day NOT a school holiday, but the Thursday and Friday of Rodeo Week is!!!
As a BEE in this desert, I am right at home with nature's surprise of riotous color all around. The wildflowers (some say weeds) have finally found their way into my backyard, covering the normal dirt, sand and rocks. They have begun to go to seed and have died back from around the front of my driveway. So I've got to get out the hula hoe to knock them down; and begin clearing the "weeds."
Clearing the weeds from my thinking, too; maybe I can focus on the symbolic desert called cyber space. Now, instead of roads in the wilderness, I can concentrate on links (that may soon be disappearing according to blogger James Tanner) into the world wide web. Now instead of looking up at the clouds passing over head on the winds of this morning's cold front passing through, perhaps I can learn about THE CLOUD and what it means to genealogy.
It may not be Spring on the calendar yet, but there is a spring in my step and a time of new beginnings in my search of the scriptures. Now to begin my journey into my series on "A Genealogist Looks at Isaiah."
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name."
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Learning About Google Images Search
Today's Learning Project
I've been watching some short videos and Google+ help to figure out how to search online images. I have a photo that has fallen out of the logical place where it would have been filed in my genealogical research folders and the names of the women are not written on the back. I can not remember who sent me this photo or what family surname I was working on. So I thought that perhaps searching all the images online might help.
I watched this video:
This was just the beginning of my search to learn how to let the Google+ search engine look for this or similar images on the web. Did I find out anything? Not today. So, if you know the women in this photo circa 1900 please let me know.
One video suggest trying a search for yourself. They showed how to just drag and drop an image from your desktop to the search box and click on search while in I'm going to try that next. Do I have a photo of me on my desktop, no, so guess I first have to place one there, or use a photo already in a folder on my desktop. hmmmmm
The love of Photos Came From Wondering Who I Looked Like in My Family
I have loved photography since I was a child. I wanted to know who in my family I looked like the most. My father told me during my first year in college that I looked just like him. Well, ya know, that really wasn't a complement. But later on I discovered a photo of his mother, Anna Mae Gough when she was a young woman (high school age probably) and I really DID look like her. I got a Brownie Camera when I was in grade school and took photos of my Camp Fire Girls group, took it to Summer Camp with me, and took photos of my dad when he visited. I even took photos of friends in the neighborhood. I'm so glad that I did this because I've been able to share these with people I've reconnected to during the last couple of years. My 50th high school reunion was last year and we all began reconnecting. It's been a blast. One told me about how my family always had tacos on Friday night. I didn't remember this but certainly still have a love of tacos. In fact if you gave me a choice between a hamburger or a taco... taco would win.
When I went to Mexico for 6 weeks in graduate school for a painting and drawing class, I took photos. I'd been documenting my life travels with photos for many years prior to this, so it was natural for me. It really is true for us visually oriented people that a photo is worth a thousand words.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
A Week of Learning About New Technology in Family History
Changes Good or Maybe Not so Good
I am very slow to take up a new technology or jump onto a new improvement in software, websites, etc. I remember upgrading a software program and HATING what I'd done. There were so many glitches that needed fixed and I wondered if the programmers were idiots!!! Had they not tested, Alpha Tested, Beta Tested and Fixed 99.99% of the problems? Good Grief. Anyway, you may have guessed that I have not gone upgrading my FaceBook into the new Timeline yet. Reading others FB pages is still a confusing thing for me. But then I haven't studied out how to use it yet. So, I guess I have no excuses.
Changing my Home Page
Changing my Home Page seemed like a really big task and I feared it, but as I had my daughter (25 year olds just intuitively know about computers) look over my shoulder, found out that it was a cinch. I had decided to make this change after listening to some of the sessions at RootsTech2 . I NEVER used Yahoo to search and ALWAYS used Google. I had a Yahoo home page because of an old email address. But, it became obvious to me that in order to really search out all avenues while researching my ancestors info and helping others to do the same as a Ward Family History Consultant, I was not being very efficient and I'd fallen behind in knowing about all the tools and techniques available to me. I became convinced that now was the time to change. Thus, I changed my home page to Google AND added the Genealogy Gems toolbar. Please understand I am still learning about all of the bells and whistles of both of these and the learning curve for this 67 soon to be 68 year old is slow and steady.
Online Learning is Just Perfect for us Older Genealogists
Now, I am going to set aside some time each day to listen to a podcast or a video about Genealogy to begin learning what I don't know and now need to know to keep current. Today I listed to Lisa Cooke's interview with Dick Eastman at RootsTech on "What is the Cloud?" I'd just asked my daughter this the other day and she'd replied that it was the ability to store, save records, documents on a very large fast super-server, that also gave you access to applications that could be used whenever needed. For instance on your ipod or ipad or smart phone without taking up the space on your hardware itself. Also, other people if granted permission, could have access to the same documents. This is especially helpful in business. AND in GENEALOGY for working with other researchers. Right at this point in time I don't have an ipad or ipod or smart phone, BUT I will have one day, so I am beginning to learn what I need to know now.
Stepping Off the Solid Earth into Cyberspace and the Cloud
You'll never guess why I wanted to know about the Cloud... well, I am going to begin a series in my blog on "A Genealogist Looks at Isaiah," and post what I see on this blog. The Cloud idea came while studying Chapter 19 in Isaiah.
SCRIPTURE: "The Lord rideth upon a swift cloud." --Isaiah 19:1
Yes, I know that I'm a genealogy nut and this may seem like an obscure reference to a "Swift Cloud" but hey, what the heck, why shouldn't I personalize the scriptures. Most clouds aren't "swift" yet swift is one of the attributes of what Cloud Computing is all about. Worldwide access to information in an instant. My Isaiah study will become a sub series of blogs that I will post here. You will be able to find what I do on this topic by searching under Isaiah studies in the search box.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Power of the Written Word
Selecting an Annual Theme and Writing Your Life Mission Statement
SCRIPTURE: “And behold, it is wisdom in God that we
should obtain these records, that we may preserve unto our children the
language of our fathers.
“And also that we may preserve unto
them the words which have been spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets,
which have been delivered unto them by the Spirit and power of God, since the
world began, even down to this present time.”
–1 Nephi 3:19-20
“Remember to Start this Study Session with a Prayer”
MY QUESTION FOR YOU: After studying your patriarchal blessing, have you come to love your written blessing
and the patriarch who was worthy enough to seek God’s will for you and speak
with inspiration and revelation on your behalf?
Let us
liken the scriptures unto ourselves for the moment. If you indeed have come to
love your own personal scripture you will appreciate the words of God unto
Nephi when he was asked to kill Laban for plates that recorded his family’s
history and scriptures:
“It is
better that one man should perish than a nation should dwindle and perish in
unbelief.” –1 Nephi 4:13
We may
never find ourselves in that unique position, but the importance of the written
word to God is very evident in our scriptures. Keeping records is a sacred
enterprise. A record is a written account. There is power in the written word.
It is the Priesthood binding power.
you record on earth shall be recorded in heaven, and whatsoever you do not
record on earth shall not be recorded in heaven.” –Doctrine and Covenants 128:8
MY SUGGESTION: Write down your goals! Now select a
theme for the year, then write a mission statement for the year.
Mission Statement for a Family
Let me tell
you the story of my themes (usually phrases from my Patriarchal Blessing) and
mission statements over the years. Over 30 years ago, my mother’s ward asked
each of it’s member families to select a motto or theme and then design a
banner. My mom’s married name was Gillette. So she selected “Be Sharp” as her
theme or motto and we designed a banner using a single edged razor blade and a
razor. It looked very bold on it’s shield shaped banner.
My husband and I selected a Family Theme or Motto in the 1990s. It basically said we would do all we could in the area of family history. Over the years since, this has indeed been an overarching motto for the Field family. As for myself, I have adopted a rather loose system of mission statements AND themes for myself. I suspect one I wrote quite a few years ago would still be my LIFE's mission statement. However, as an artist
I’ve designed art work for the cover’s of my annual journals with my theme on the
front. It is a reminder of what I’ve set my mind to during the year.
Personal Annual Themes and Inspiring Mission Statements
Let me
share some examples of what I’ve used for themes and mission statements ranging
from the very basic to more complex.
1979 Become
a Virtuous Woman based on Proverbs 31:10-12
1982 Feast Upon the
Words of Christ 2 Nephi 31:20
1986 If I am
diligent in study and prayer I will center my life on the Blessings of the
Priesthood through research into my family history, temple service and reverent
contemplation there.
1987 (the year following my daughter’s birth) I bless you
that you shall become a mother in Israel was my theme and my objective
was, “I select to know the Lord’s way
by study and prayer because I esteem and love Him.” My mission statement was
“Faith is a principle of action and power, and by it one can command the
elements or influence circumstances when occasion warrants. Although faith is a
gift, it must be cultivated and sought after until it grows from a tiny seed to
a great tree. One of the effects of true faith in Jesus Christ includes an
actual knowledge that the course of life one is pursuing is acceptable to the
Lord. Faith, when made manifest in an individual’s life, brings revelation and
knowledge as well as an inheritance in the promised land.”
1990 Theme: As a
natural Israelite I must gain a perfect knowledge and understanding of the
Lord’s ways and dedicate my life to serving Him and doing His will and keeping
His commandments. More specifically I shall bring to pass much righteousness
and be an influence for good amongst fellow associates, friends, become a
dedicated mother in Israel, have a spirit of love and harmony with my husband,
and search out my forefathers to perform their temple ordinances.
2011 Theme taken
from my blessing: Diligently Seek to know His Way by Study and Prayer and He
will Answer every Need that you have.
My 2011
Focus and Goals are based on this verse which I call my 2011 mission statement: “Our
minds being now enlightened, we began to have the scriptures laid open to our
understanding, and the true meaning and intention of their more mysterious
passages revealed unto us in a manner which we never could attain previously,
nor ever before thought of.” –Joseph Smith, JS History verse 74
As you can
see, consistency was not evident over the years with terminology, however, the
intent or over-arching concept shines through. I did not know in 1979 that I
would use my Patriarchal Blessing every year to inspire me, help me set goals
and to know the Lord’s desires for me each year, much less that I’d write this blog. Thus, over the years I have used various terms to describe
Theme, Goals, Objectives, Mission Statements, etc. I suggest you simply use
what terms feel right to you, that will inspire you, that may be read by your
descendants to show your testimony and progress in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
QUOTE: “The quest to become more like our Lord and
Savior is to be more spiritually attentive, more personally sensitive, more
tender and gracious.” –Robert L. Millet (Church News Week ending Jan 2, 2010
(See Preach My Gospel, 2004, Chapter 6)
Our Stake President asked each of us to select an attribute of Christ
to work on during the month each month. This was a very sobering experience. He suggested we read about some of these attributes in "Preach My Gospel."
Attributes of Christ
THOUGHT: In January of each year, the Church
News devotes a portion of one issue to
a selected theme that can be applied by individuals toward self-betterment in
the new year. In 2010 the special issue was dedicated to the topic of
“developing Christ-like attributes.” The theme was meant to be a help to Church
members seeking to strengthen values in a world that seems to be void of them.
Some of these attributes include faith, hope, charity/love, virtue, knowledge,
patience, humility, diligence and obedience.
I looked up
the sixth chapter in Preach My Gospel and found fourteen attributes. I wrote
out a personal statement for each one of these. Here is my statement for FAITH:
“I will listen in faith to the prophets and know that God
will direct me, lead me and guide me by revelation to be doing what I’ve agreed
to do while here in my probationary state. Then I will have the faith to keep
walking even when the way seems dark and the path unknown because He will be
there for me every step of the way.”
In every
way we are a blessed people because the Church has helps that benefit
individual members. Use these helps, including the On-line resources, to become
what Heavenly Father wants you to become, and be found doing what He wants you
to be doing at this time in your life. Your Patriarchal Blessing is the most
personal of these helps.
The reason for this blog grew
out of my own 2011 goals, and have written down my experiences with studying
my own patriarch blessing and shared them with you my friends and fellow
Although I am concluding my "Understanding Your Patriarchal Blessing" series within my blog, I may add other insights someday especially if people who read these series of posts make comments. May your personal scripture be a delight to you and a beacon to guide you throughout your life, is my prayer.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Targeting - Tool for Setting Good Goals with Your Patriarchal Blessing - Part 3
1. Knowing
what has to be done…creating spiritually or conceptualizing
2. Knowing
how to do it…study specifics to understand what is required
Ascertain if the goal is keyed realistically to available resources and
An intention is something you make up your mind to do. To
become a goal, it must be written down. A target is something that actually
draws your attention toward it—that forces a certain line of action. An
intention becomes a target when given certain properties. Not all targets are
equally important.
A desire or
intention has no concreteness, no tangibility, it is not something you can set
your sights on or aim at—its not a target.
How to
construct a target:
1. Create a
Place for the Target (visualize a clear area appropriate for goal)
2. Set up a Visible Target (make a
real world object like an excel spreadsheet, workpage, or use a calendar,
refrigerator sign, journal diagram, note on the mirror, poster on the bedroom
door, etc.)
3. Paint a
Bull’s eye (set a deadline to reach the goal)
Here is an example of what I am talking about:
Selected phrase from blessing: Seek Him diligently in
fervant and honest prayer.
Research words diligent: Diligence is characterized
by steady earnest, energentic application of effort and is derived from latin
words meaning to select, esteem or love. Therefore diligence differs from
perserverance, where one persists against, in spite of, counter influences,
opposition or discouragement, in that it is used to indicate one has chosen or
selected to do something out of esteem or love.
Fervant: exhibiting or marked by great intensity of
feeling; hot or glowing (as with holy ghost)
Honest: Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere,
frank; characterized by truth; not false; Virtuous; chaste.
Prayerfully select how to implement an improvement over
current mode of prayer using these definitions: My example will focus on
showing diligence by setting goals for increasing the amount of time I spend in
my personal prayers, seeking the Holy Ghost to be with me and striving for
personal worthiness.
date began target
date accomplished fervant?
Prayer length
3 minutes
February 1
5 minutes
April 1
10 minutes
June 1
Next, set a day and time to review how well you did each
week: I.E., every Sunday at 7 am.
QUOTE: 2011
October General Conference talk by Elder Ian S. Ardern, quorum of the Seventy,
entitled “A Time to Prepare.”
“The eighth chapter of Preach My Gospel focuses our attention on
the wise use of time. In this chapter, Elder M. Russell Ballard reminds us that
we must set goals and learn how to master the techniques to achieve them (see
Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service [2004], 146). Mastering the
techniques needed to reach our goals includes becoming the master manager of
our time.”
“Time is
never for sale; time is a commodity that cannot, try as you may, be bought at
any store for any price. Yet when time is wisely used, its value is
immeasurable. On any given day we are all allocated, without cost, the same
number of minutes and hours to use, and we soon learn, as the familiar hymn so
carefully teaches, “Time flies on wings of lightning; we cannot call it back”
(“Improve the Shining Moments,” Hymns, no. 226). What time we have we must use
wisely. President Brigham Young said, “We are all indebted to God for the
ability to use time to advantage, and he will require of us a strict account of
[its] disposition” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young
[1997], 286).”
“With the demands made of us, we
must learn to prioritize our choices to match our goals or risk being exposed
to the winds of procrastination and being blown from one time-wasting activity
to another. We are well taught about priorities by the Master Teacher when He
declared in His Sermon on the Mount, “Wherefore, seek not the things of this
world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his
righteousness” (Matthew 6:33, footnote a; from Joseph Smith Translation,
Matthew 6:38). (See also Dallin H. Oaks, “Focus and Priorities,” Liahona, July
2001, 99–102; Ensign, May 2001, 82–84.)”
“To have
the peace the Savior speaks of (see John 14:27), we must devote our time to the
things that matter most, and the things of God matter most. As we engage with
God in sincere prayer, read and study each day from the scriptures, ponder on
what we have read and felt, and then apply and live the lessons learned, we
draw nearer to Him. God’s promise is that as we seek diligently from the best
books, “[He] shall give unto [us] knowledge by his Holy Spirit” (D&C
121:26; see also D&C 109:14–15).”
“Satan will
tempt us to misuse our time through disguised distractions. Although
temptations will come, Elder Quentin L. Cook taught that “Saints who respond to
the Savior’s message will not be led astray by distracting and destructive
pursuits” (“Are You a Saint?” Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2003, 96). Hiram Page,
one of the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon, taught us a valuable lesson
about distractions. He had a certain stone and through it recorded what he
thought were revelations for the Church (see D&C 28). On Hiram’s being
corrected, an account says the stone was taken and ground into powder so it
would never again be a distraction. I invite us to identify the time-wasting
distractions in our lives that may need to be figuratively ground into dust.
a new 3 ring binder/notebook with dividers and ruled paper for your journal of
2012. Dividers could be used for these
possible sections:
Your Patriarchal Blessing and associated studies
Goals with appropriate charts and record keeping
Daily or weekly journal entries
Sunday, February 19, 2012
How to Set a Good Goal using your Patriarchal Blessing - Part 2
What is a Good Goal?
“For I God, created all things of which I have spoken, spiritually,
before they were naturally upon the face of the earth.” –Moses 3:5
“Remember to Start this Goal Setting Session with a Prayer”
In the
pre-mortal existence the plan of salvation was presented to the spirit children
of God. There was conflict over how and in what manner the plan would be
administered to the forthcoming human family upon the earth.
That a
“plan” was presented, is another way of saying that God had a goal…”to bring to
pass the the eternal life of man,” and his plan was well thought out beforehand. Moses wrote that God said this was “creating all things spiritually.” God
then broke down that goal into smaller, logical, sequential activities that
were met in a specified time frame. Read Abraham 4:19
“And it
came to pass that it was from evening until morning that it was night; and it
came to pass that it was from morning until evening that it was day; and it was
the fourth time.”
God had
already organized the lights in heaven causing them to divide the day from
night, then organized them to be for signs and seasons, and for days and for
Then he
watched those things which they had ordered until they obeyed.
MY QUESTION FOR YOU: Can you see the logic in the
creation? First spiritual (thoughts and concepts formulated) and next God
ordered into smaller activities (a day, time or in other words a period of time
to accomplish)? THEN God worked on his plan in the real world (the Creation in
six creative periods) and then recorded what he was doing (scriptures).
Patterning our goal setting on God’s
example, we should have a PLAN (area of focus) then:
1. First create spiritually or conceptually;
2. Second, break down
the goal (area of focus) into smaller segments that can be measured;
3. Third, place the smaller
activities in a specific time frame;
4. Fourth, write it all down.
note that God was not a singular person in this process. See the phrase above
that reads, “things which they had ordered,” and if you need help in
reaching your goals, invite others to help share their expertise. Involving
others can help with accountability in reaching your goals. If someone else knows about your goal they will usually support you as you try to reach it. Or, just you knowing that someone else knows about your goal will keep you honest in your efforts.
Be Kind to Yourself - Have Hope in Being Better and Better
Although I will focus on the skill of Targeting in my next blog, don't worry if you get captivated by another book or concept on goal setting. Go for it. There are many, many books written on this topic. It is not the specific plan you use that is important. It is the attempt to engage in the process that is so rewarding.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Setting Goals Using Your Patriarchal Blessing - Part 1
Selecting Areas to Focus on This Year
SCRIPTURE: “To every thing there is a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a
time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill,
and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to
weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast
away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a
time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to
keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to
keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time
of war, and a time of peace.”—Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
God had an
orderly plan for the creation of this world. He worked for six days and then
rested. He began from the very basic and progressed to the most complicated
creation of man himself. Start looking for areas of focus within your patriarchal blessing,
but start simple. We will talk about how to set goals within these areas of
focus next blog.
The authority to establish order through
voluntary obedience is called “priesthood.” What a remarkable gift God has
given us of the Priesthood and how special that he wants us to be a kingdom of
priests, and a holy nation.(Exodus 19:6) It is by Faith that this is
accomplished. Thus we will ask God to help us in ordering our annual goals. He
has given us the blueprint in our blessings. Now we must prayerful, then execute an
orderly plan in faith.
Select General Areas of Focus Found in Your Blessing
select a few areas of Focus. I have found that if I have more than four, one of
them suffers. So perhaps start with three. You decide. Here are some possible areas that may be mentioned in your blessing: Family, Spouse, Mission, Community, Spirituality, Personal and so on.
MY QUESTION FOR YOU: Did you discover your “Nineveh”?
Review my blog for February 8th, "What is Your Nineveh." This should be one of your areas of focus. Yes, I
know, you don’t want to think about that this year. I really, really understand because I, too, have my
Nineveh and it will have to be addressed this coming year. Sigh! Remember the Lord gives us weaknesses and then helps us turn them into strengths if we will let Him.
You should list the areas that the Lord has revealed to
your patriarch are areas in your life that you might focus on.When you've found phrases that reflect an area of focus, list them on a sheet of paper and write the chapter and verse/ or paragraph and line where they appear so that you can refer back to them easily. You can find how I've suggested you retype and organize your personal scripture in my blog of January 28, 2012 entitled "Organizing Your Patriarchal Blessing to Get the Most Out of It." Then you will see what I mean by Chapter and Verse. I entitle my Blessing as "The Book of Beverly" and can tell you that my Nineveh is found in Chapter 3 Verse 5 or in shorthand Bev 3:5.
Now, prayerfully select the ones
you feel the Lord wants you to work on next year. Remember you will always have
more areas of focus than you can work on at any one time.
‘To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Now Here is One area of Focus that Might Be Your Nineveh
QUOTE: From General Conference Talks November Engsign
“The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn” by Elder
David A. Bednar pages 24-27
the youth he says, “Your fingers have been trained to text and tweet to
accelerate and advance the work of the Lord—not just to communicate quickly
with your friends.”
“I invite the young people of the
Church to learn about and experience the Spirit of Elijah. I encourage you to
study, to search out your ancestors, and to prepare yourselves to perform proxy
baptisms in the house of the Lord for your kindred dead (see D & C
124: 28-36). And I urge you to help other people identify their family
“As you
respond in faith to this invitation, your hearts shall turn to the fathers. The
promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be implanted in your hearts.
Your patriarchal blessing, with its declaration of lineage, will link you to
these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for
your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior
will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the
intensifying influence of the adversary. As you participate in and love this
holy work, you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives.
and leaders, please help your children and youth to learn about and experience
the Spirit of Elijah. But do not overly program this endeavor or provide too
much detailed information or training. Invite your people to explore, to
experiment, and to learn for themselves. Any young person can do what I am
suggesting, using the modules available at
“You also will
count your many blessings as young people devote more time to family history
work and temple service and less time to video games, surfing the Internet, and
“I testify
Elijah returned to earth and restored the sacred sealing authority. I witness
that what is bound on earth can be bound in heaven. And I know the youth of the
rising generation have a key role to play in this great endeavor.”
QUESTION: Does your blessing mention temple covenants,
remembering your ancestors, the Spirit of Elijah? Write down this area of focus where
goals may be set for next year that will bring eternal joy.
THOUGHT: Review what promises were made to “the
fathers”by rereading the excellent quote from Elder Nelson’s talk on Covenants
from my last blog.
Here is another quote from General Conference in the
November 2011 Ensign that you may wish to consider at this point:
“Waiting upon the Lord: Thy Will Be Done” by Elder
Robert D. Hales pages 71-74
“The purpose of our life on earth is to grow, develop, and be strengthened”
wait upon the Lord means …to hope, to anticipate and to trust. “To hope and
trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, long-suffering,
keeping the commandments, and enduring to the end.”
“It means
pondering in our hearts and ‘receiv{ing} the Holy Ghost’ so that we can know
‘all things what {we} should do.” –2 Nephi 32:5
“As we follow the promptings of the Spirit, we
discover that ‘tribulation worketh patience’ –Romans 5:3 and we continue in
‘patience until {we} are perfected.’—Doctrine and Covenants 67:13
“In my life
I have learned that sometimes I do not receive an answer to a prayer because
the Lord knows I am not ready. When He does answer, it is often ‘her a little
and there a little’—2 Nephi 28:30 because that is all that I can bear or all I
am willing to do.
“We may not
know when or how the Lord’s answers will be given, but in His time and His way,
I testify, His answers will come. For some answers we may have to wait until
the hereafter. This may be true for some promises in our patriarchal
blessings and for some blessings for family members. Let us not give up on
the Lord. His blessings are eternal, not temporary.”
some areas in you patriarchal blessing that may have to wait until the hereafter?
Could these areas be used as topics for study, prayer and inspiration now while
you are setting goals?
I hope this blog inspires you to look into your patriarchal blessing and become familiar with what areas of life the Lord would like for you to set goals in, that you may progress and become the best that you can be.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Studying Your Blessing Gives Insight to Scripture Study
Nephi's teaching in 2 Nephi 25 lets us know how to approach the Old Testament prophets' writings.
SCRIPTURE: "Wherefore, hearken, O my people, which are of the house of Israel, and give ear unto my words; for because the words of Isaiah are not plain unto you, nevertheless they are plain unto all those that are filled with the spirit of prophecy."
But then he says he really delights in plainness will give unto his people, but mainly to us in the latter days, a prophecy in "according to my plainness; in the which I know that no man can err;"
He then goes on to say in verse 5:
"Yea, and my soul delighteth in the words of Isaiah, for I came out from Jerusalem, and mine eyes hath beheld the things (words) of the Jews, and I know that the Jews do understand the things (words) of the prophets, and there is none other people that understand the things (words) which were spoken unto the Jews like unto them, save it that they are taught after the manner of the things (words) of the Jews."
But Nephi continues and states that "I, Nephi, have NOT taught my children after the manner of the Jews;" And one must ask, "Why not?" He says that he himself lived at Jerusalem and knows concerning the regions round about so his is familiar with their workings and through revelation, knows the judgements of God that "hath come to pass among the Jews," And, these he did tell his children but says, "I do not write them."
It is clear that he knows what his people of that day needed to know for their salvation and what he should record for us in the latter days.
We are Accountable for Understanding Isaiah and other Old Testament Prophets
In verse 7 he gives his plain prophesy: "In the days that the prophecies of Isaiah shall be fulfilled men shall know of a surety, at the times when they shall come to pass.
"Wherefore, they are of worth unto the children of men, and he that supposeth that they are not, unto them will I speak particularly, and confine the words unto mine own people; for I know that they shall be of great worth unto them in the last days; for in that day shall they understand them; wherefore, for their good have I written them."
If we find ourselves in the position of thinking that Isaiah or any other old prophet's words are not important, we will suffer just as the Jews of old did, (v 9) "never hath any of them been destroyed save it were foretold them by the prophets of the Lord." I guess we'd best study our scriptures AND our personal scriptures, our patriarchal blessings, in order that we might know the will of the Lord and understand the warnings that he gives to us. Therefore,
MY SUGGESTION: Read a scripture before each session with
your patriarchal blessing this month; in fact, have the scriptures right beside
you. You will find certain words or phrases that will bring to mind a remembered
scripture. Look it up and ponder it. Decide if this "language of the Lord" holds a warning, a blessing, a prophecy or an insight into your life. Personalize the scriptures much as you would personalize the Lord's words to you in your patriarchal blessing.
This is the Value of Your Patriarchal Blessing
It allows you to have practice in reading scripture as if the Lord was talking directly to you. You are "likening the scriptures unto yourself."
The Lord will talk to his Covenant People
The question is will we focus our spiritual attention, and HEAR HIM?
QUOTE: The following is a remarkably scholarly talk.
(Read all of the footnotes in your copy of the Ensign). I have only excerpted a
few sentences here in relation to your patriarchal blessing.
From the November 2011 Ensign
“Covenants” by Elder Russell M. Nelson pages
“One of the
most important concepts of revealed religion is that of a sacred covenant. In
legal language, a covenant generally denotes an agreement between two or more
parties. But in a religious context, a covenant is much more significant. It is
a sacred promise with God. He fixes the terms. Each person may choose to accept
those terms. If one accepts the terms of the covenant and obeys God’s law, he
or she receives the blessings associated with the covenant. We know that “when
we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it
is predicated.”—Doctrine and Covenants 130:21
covenant God made with Abraham (See Genesis 17:1-10, 19; Leviticus 26:42; Acts
3:25; Bible Dictionary, “Abraham, Covenant of”) and later reaffirmed with Isaac
(Genesis 26:1-5, 24) and Jacob (Genesis 28:1-4, 10-14; 35:9-13; 48:3-4) is of
transcendent significance. It contained several promises, including:
• Jesus the Christ would be born through
Abraham’s lineage.
• Abraham’s posterity would be numerous,
entitled to an eternal increase, and also entitled to bear the priesthood.
• Abraham would become a father of many
• Certain lands would be inherited by his
• All nations of the earth
would be blessed by his seed.16
• And that covenant would be
everlasting—even through “a thousand generations.”
“Some of
these promises have been fulfilled; others are still pending. I quote from an
early Book of Mormon prophecy: “Our father [Lehi] hath not spoken of our seed
alone, but also of all the house of Israel, pointing to the covenant which
should be fulfilled in the latter days; which covenant the Lord made to
our father Abraham.”—1 Nephi 15:18 emphasis added. Isn’t that amazing? Some 600
years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, prophets knew that the Abrahamic
covenant would be finally fulfilled only in the latter days.
of us are the literal seed of Abraham; others are gathered into his family by
adoption. The Lord makes no distinction. Together we receive these promised
blessings—if we seek the Lord and obey His commandments. But if we don’t, we
lose the blessings of the covenant. To assist us, His Church provides
patriarchal blessings to give each recipient a vision for his or her future as
well as a connection with the past, even a declaration of lineage back to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
“Brethren of the covenant have the right to qualify
for the oath and covenant of the priesthood. If you are “faithful unto the
obtaining these two priesthoods … and the magnifying [of your] calling, [you]
are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of [your] bodies.” That is not
all. Men who worthily receive the priesthood receive the Lord Jesus Christ, and
those who receive the Lord receive God the Father. And those who receive the
Father receive all that He has. Incredible blessings flow from this oath and
covenant to worthy men, women, and children in all the world.”
I pray that all Latter-day Saints will have a desire to understand the scriptures, even the difficult ones like Isaiah. I have a particular love for Isaiah and will share my thoughts in future blog sessions.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Understanding Your Personal Scripture
Your Personal Scripture is Your Patriarchal Blessing
SCRIPTURE: “My soul delighteth in the words of Isaiah
for I came out of Jerusalem and mine eyes hath beheld the things of the Jews,
and I know that the Jews do understand the things of the prophets, and there is
none other people that understand the things which were spoken unto the Jews
like unto them, save it be that they are taught after the manner of the things
of the Jews.”—2 Nephi 25:5
"Remember to Begin Each Study Session with a Prayer"
The First Key to unlocking the
treasure in your patriarchal blessing is reading with the Spirit of Prophecy or the testimony of Jesus. Nephi tell us (2 Nephi 25:4-5) how we can get the most out
of our scriptures. He was speaking about understanding Isaiah, but the keys to
successful scripture study will apply to your own personal scripture, i.e.,
your patriarchal blessing. He tells about two keys: 1. the “spirit of prophecy” and 2. the “words of the prophets.”
In Revelation 19:10 an angel says that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
prophecy.”This is why I always suggest that you start each study session with a prayer, inviting the spirit or the Holy Ghost to be with you.
Second Key is equally important. It is understanding the things of the
prophets. We must be taught somewhat in the manner of the things of the Jews or
the ways the Jews used words. In Hebrew the word ‘things’ (dÄ•bãrîm) also means
‘words’ (dÄ•bãrîm). Thus the things spoken of by Nephi regarding the things of
the Jews were really the words of the Jews/prophets.
So, here we are not going to become experts in the literary
devices employed by the prophets during a time where memorization and
recitation were the most used methods of communicating the scriptures. However,
knowing that the prophets had an analytical mind-set can be of value to us as
we study our blessings. I may talk more about these things in future blogs as I focus on my Isaiah studies.
Below are some ways that have helped
me to better understand the words and phrases that the spirit whispers to me are important for this particular time in life.
Use the study tools in our scriptures.
1. Look up a word in the Bible
2. Look up the word in the Topical
Guide and see how it is used within different scriptures. Take notice to look
in the footnotes for each scripture for other helpful tips:
GR: An alternate translation from the Greek
HEB: An alternate translation from
the Hebrew
IE: An explanation of idioms and difficult constructions
OR: Signifies that alternate words follow to clarify the meaning of
archaic expressions.
3. I find that color coding these in the footnotes leads me into a wonder "scripture chase" or series of scriptures that help me to better understand a specific word or phrase. I've shown the colors in bold above that I've chosen to footnote them in my scriptures. (The IE is really Yellow but it didn't show up here well)
Use other study tools such as books, talks, (both
online at or use worldly tools such as:
1. Look up the word in a regular or
collegiate dictionary
2. Look up the word online, or
Google it and discover what the world thinks.
Over the years, this has increased my understanding of words
that I thought I knew and really didn’t know at all.
Although not about Patriarchal
blessings I found Elder Richard G. Scott’s Talk on ““The Power of
Scripture” Ensign, Nov 2011 page 6-8 especially uplifting because he emphasizes
the words of the prophets.
the ages, Father in Heaven has inspired select men and women to find, through
the guidance of the Holy Ghost, solutions to life’s most perplexing problems.”
He continues, “He has inspired those authorized servants to record those
solutions as a type of handbook for those of His children who have faith in His
plan of happiness and in His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.”
scriptures are generated from inspired communication through the Holy Ghost,
they are pure truth. We need not be concerned about the validity of concepts
contained in standard works since the Holy Ghost has been the instrument which
has motivated and inspired those individuals who have recorded the scriptures.”
are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance
and inspiration from on high. They can become the key to open the channel to
communion with our Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.”
pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing
cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime,
anywhere in the world.
can communicate different meanings at different times in our life, according to
our needs.”
“I have
found precious truths in the pages of the Old Testament that are key
ingredients to the platform of truth that guides my life and acts as a resource
when I try to share a gospel message with others.”
Elder Scott powerfully concludes with his testimony of the Book of Mormon, “I testify with my soul that it is true,
that it was prepared for the blessing of the House of Israel, and all of its
component parts spread throughout the world. All who will study its message in
humility, in faith believing in Jesus Christ, will know of its truthfulness and
will find a treasure to lead them to greater happiness, peace, and attainment
in this life.”
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy 100th Birthday Arizona! Happy Valentine's Day!
Today was Amazing!!!
Arizona celebrated it's 100th birthday today. President Taft signed AZ into statehood as the 48th state. The celebrations have been going on for several days and culminated today.Happy Valentine's Day to all those who love and are loved. My family shared sweet treats with grandchildren, our daughter and her husband. What a delight. My former visiting teacher brought over four cupcakes that she and her daughter baked and decorated, saying, "I've been thinking of you a lot and just wanted to let you know." The night before special ward friends brought us a dinner of delicious grilled salmon and chicken and rice soup. It is so special to be remembered.
My husband and I knew a very special girl from our Palo Verde Ward experience in 2006 through 2008 when we moved to Picture Rocks. Her name is Taylor Lancaster. She entered the foster care system right after we left and was placed with a Ms. Snow in our Picture Rocks Ward. That placement let us get to see Taylor every Sunday and reconnect. We just loved this young woman. She then ended up in a different location just over a year ago and we grieved that we would never see her again. Serendipity occurred today. I went to the Snow's home for a visit with a friend. I hadn't really talked to Ms. Snow since Taylor left so when she told me that she'd finally met Taylor's new foster mom she told me she'd given her our phone number. When I returned home after the visit, I received a call from Taylor!!!!! How wonderful to get an update, get her email and to be able to keep in touch with her. She'd never left our hearts or prayers and now we can stay in touch. Love it.
When my friend came to pick me up to go over to visit the Snows she told me it was snowing as she came over the pass from Tucson. If you look at the background of this blog you will be looking down the road that goes over the pass into Tucson. There were golden flowers carpeting the ground there over the weekend. I have lavender and yellow wildflowers growing in my backyard. Although I live in a little dip lower in elevation and we seemed to only have rain and hail, the mountains in Saguaro National Park West were delightfully dusted with snow. It was beautiful. But I suspect it got the wildflowers and probably killed the chance for a brilliant spring like the ones shown here. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Thoughts About Writing a Story
When an amazing day happens, it should be remembered. Why not write a story. Whether it is just one simple paragraph or a one page "spotlight focus" on a family member, treasured family experience or like my special day today with it's Serendipity of Snow and old friends, family and sweet treats, we just have to take the time to DO IT! Then place it in our Book of Remembrance. We could write a longer story about ourselves (autobiography) or about an ancestor (biography) tying in to a common theme. Here are some simple guidelines to remember:1. Review Sources -- Choose what is to be left out
2. Pick Out Themes -- Service, economics, achievement, holidays
3. Assess Personalities and Character
4. Tell the Story -- Narrative is best when selective
5. Look for Causes -- Why things happened or Serendipitous occurrences
6. Look for Motivation -- Reasons behind peoples behavior
7. Bring Out Spiritual Lessons -- Bear your testimony
I hope you will take the time to record a special story that will delight you descendants one day in the future when they read it. I wish my grandmother had written about her life. I would so treasure it. So write short and in your own voice, using your own personality and it will be a TREASURE.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Death, Dying and Day of the Dead
“O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way
for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster; yea, that monster, death and
hell, which I call the death of the body, and also the death of the spirit.
“And because of the way of deliverance of our God, the
Holy One of Israel, this death, of which I have spoken, which is the temporal,
shall deliver up its dead; which death is the grave.
“And this death of which I have spoken, which is the
spiritual death, shall deliver up its dead; which spiritual death is hell;
wherefore, death and hell must deliver up their dead, and hell must deliver up
its captive spirits, and the grave must deliver up its captive bodies, and the
bodies and the spirits of men will be restored one to the other; and it is by
the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of Israel.”
–2 Nephi 9:10 - 12
Death and Dying are Central Themes
for Remembering our Dead in Holiday Celebrations
Usually when Halloween
approaches we find ourselves deciding upon costumes for ourselves and our
children, buying candy to give out as treats, decorating our homes, carving
pumpkins or jack-o’-lanterns, visiting haunted attractions, bobbing for apples,
telling scary stories and watching a lot of horror movies. My mom used to dress
up to greet the kids at the door (often scaring them a bit) and then after we
were all tucked in for the night would go to visit and party with neighborhood
friends. She always decorated the front door and porch area. This was at a time
in the 1950’s when not many were doing this, so our house became a sure stop
for trick-or-treaters.
The word
Halloween comes from All-Hallows-Even (evening) or the night before all
Hallow’s Day or All Saints Day. Trick or treating –resembles a late medieval
practice of “souling” when the poor would go door to door on Hallowmas (Nov.1)
receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (Nov. 2).
This tradition of trick-or-treating was called “Guising” in Scotland and
Ireland –children disguised in costume would go door to door for cakes, fruit
or money, often carrying a lantern carved from a turnip to light the way
(1895). Today’s U. S. tradition began about 1930 although mention of parts come
as early as 1911.
The Grim Reaper by autistic boy in Tucson |
When I
lived in Guadalajara, Mexico in the late 1990’s, I was surprised to find
children celebrating a typical U.S. style Halloween with costumes, trick or
treating , and gathering great bags of candy. I was surprised because the most
popular and traditional celebration in Mexico is called the Day of the Dead
(Dia de los Muertos). This is where family and friends gather on the Catholic
holidays of All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls Day (Nov.2) to pray for
family members who have died. In remembrance of a specific deceased person,
they will build private altars using marigold flowers, photos, memorabilia and
sugar skulls then prepare the deceased person’s favorite foods and beverages.
They take these gifts to the grave site of their ancestor. This three day event
finds families cleaning the graves and cemeteries before they decorate. Then
the celebrations take over. Some have picnics or even spend the night beside
the graves of their ancestors telling humorous events and stories about the
![]() |
Day of the Dead Offerings in Mexico |
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Decorating Ancestors Graves in Mexico |
themed traditions and holidays appear all over the world. Some of these include
Bon Festival in Japan; Chuseok or Hangawi in Korea; Ching Ming and pin yin in
China; Gai Jatra in Nepal. Brazil and Spain also celebrate similar to Mexico.
African cultures have bits and parts of this celebration or remembering of the
dead in ceremonies spread throughout the year.
The anniversary of this little boy's birth is remembered |
This is the memorial of Cooper Hamblin Koffer - What Fun! |
Located in East Lawn Cemetery, Provo, UT |
MY QUESTION FOR YOU: Will you remember a deceased
person this week? You might take a moment to think of
your ancestors or those who have recently died in your circle of family and
friends. Will you write a humorous memory about them or a story that will
entertain their descendants for years to come? Or perhaps you will find someone on this date was born, died or was married in your genealogies.
MY SUGGESTION: Read the Bible Dictionary description
of Death and ponder the two deaths described. Death and dying are part of the
Plan of Salvation. Physical dying must come to us all. I call this an ordinance
date for it is one of three dates that we record for identifying a specific
person in our family history research to prepare them for submission for temple
ordinances. We can not provide this work for a deceased person before they have
been dead for exactly one year. Our responsibilities also are for our own
direct ancestors first; these usually take us back about 100 years.
As we ponder our own mortality we,
as Latter-day Saints, must surely think about the consequence of our own sins
for we do indeed make our own spiritual death by our works, our thoughts and
our actions. It is this spiritual death that the world worries so much about.
Granted, we sorrow and mourn for our dead. We miss them and think about them.
What a glorious and joyful light has broken upon the world with the restoration
of the gospel and the saving ordinances performed for our dead. The rest of the
world is focused on the grave. We are focused on the Resurrection and the
promise and hope of eternal life.
QUOTE: “Ode:
Intimations of Immortality” –by William Wordsworth
Our birth is but a
sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises
with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere
its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire
And not in utter
But trailing clouds
of glory do we come
From God, who is our
Heaven lies about us
in our infancy!
Shades of the
prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing Boy,
But He beholds the
light, and whence it flows,
He sees it in his
The Youth, who daily
farther from the east
Must travel, still is
Nature's Priest,
And by the vision
Is on his way
At length the Man
perceives it die away,
And fade into the
light of common day.
birth is indeed a sleep and a forgetting; and we do enter this earthly body
trailing clouds of glory, just ask any parent who has looked upon a newborn
baby. Our Father in Heaven must say good bye to us for a small season when we
come down to live upon the earth. He watches over us, rejoices in our
repentance, baptism and our obedience to his commandments. He delights in our
diligent prayers and scripture study. He wants us to succeed so that when we
die, we return to Him having lived a righteous life from youth to the end. Our
death to Him is a joyful reunion, for we are his heirs and he will give us the
greatest of all treats when we knock upon His door, that of eternal life and
the promise of “all that he has.”
In your patriarchal blessing do you find such phrases as “rightful inheritance
in the promised land”, “binding for
time and all eternity”, “a kingdom that shall never fail”, “a place in the
celestial kingdom” or “come forth in the morning of the first resurrection to
receive an inheritance”? These phrases
will be a comfort to you and a reminder to reverence the Lord, and provide for
your ancestors the opportunities and blessings they did not have when they
lived here upon the earth.
Death or dying is the gateway to these wonderful
Friday, February 10, 2012
Are Dates Important to the Lord?
I've been fascinated for years about recurring dates of importance. The following are some of my thoughts on the subject of birthdays, anniversaries, holiday celebrations, ordinance dates and celestial events such as new moons, solstices and celebrations tied to the sun, moon and stars.
behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye
shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an
eye single to my glory—remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down
for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins.” –Doctrine
and Covenants 27:2
THOUGHT: Each Sunday (after Christ’s resurrection the
members of the church kept the observance of Lord’s day as a weekly
commemoration of His resurrection) we
promise to remember the Savior and His great atoning sacrifice as we partake of
the sacrament.
The Lord
placed us on this earth created with the sun and moon to give us day and night,
weeks and months, years and seasons. This was recorded in scriptures for us,
clarifying the importance of each period of creation that was called a day.
Days are important.
Were dates
important to the Savior? Yes. Although we celebrate His birthday with the rest
of the world, we know from revealed modern revelation that he was born on April
6th. We remember this season each year with General Conference held
the first week of April.
prophesied that Elijah would return (Malachi 4:5.) He did return to restore the
Priesthood keys after the Savior, Moses, and Elias appeared in the Kirtland
temple on April 3, 1836. I remember an amazing article appearing in the June
edition of the 1985 Ensign by John Pratt that proposes that this date
corresponded with the resurrection of the Savior on April 3, 33 on our
calendar. Pratt’s second article appearing in July of that year shows how the
day that the restoration of Priesthood keys in 1836 was chosen by the Lord for
its symbolic importance and “that even the timing of the Lord’s death and
resurrection was foreshadowed in the Passover ceremony.” These articles can easily be looked up on in the Ensign magazines library. The topics addressed are complex and
the articles are lengthy but some of you may find them fascinating.
knowledge of an exact date for Jesus’ birth and resurrection is not necessary
for our salvation, nor is the knowledge of an exact date for his second coming.
The point I’d like to make here is that dates are important to the Lord.
Take a moment to write all of the important dates of celebration onto
your annual calendar.
Our ordinances of birth marriage
and death in specific places are what identify us as unique individuals on this
earth. Accompanied by our full name and our
place within the family (first born, middle, baby, etc.) we are no
longer just one of the billions of people who have lived upon the earth: we are
These dates
are what family history research is all about. Why? Because all of our
forefathers who have died are unique and loved sons and daughters of God, too.
Not just Jim born in 1825 to Alice and Roger. See what I mean? Dates along with
their places and family associations make us a unique, singular, special
person. This is how God views us.
When we
honor our ancestors remembering them on their special life ordinance days and
ensure their temple work is done, they know we have gratitude for the gift they
gave us, even our very bodies. More
importantly, after living hard lives, mostly in obscurity on this earth, they
hear their names spoken in the House of the Lord and know that God loves them,
too. God remembers them. What Joy they must feel!
wonderful happy feeling of a birthday celebration brings us this same
remembrance and joy that is symbolically found in the celebration of the
Savior’s birth in Bethlehem. Our baptismal date reminds us of His example at
the hands of John the Baptist. And we long to hear God’s voice to us as even to
His son, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” –Matthew 3:17
celebrations are also symbolic. We hope to be invited to the wedding feast as a
prepared disciple and have the Savior open the door to us. We desire to be
found worthy for being in His church at His return (Ephesians 5:22-32) for He
is the bridegroom.
The delight that God has in us, His
sons and daughters, when we step into mortality at birth, and as we enter into
the waters of baptism, and then finally into the new and everlasting covenant
in His temple, must also be the way he feels when we return to Him at death
having done “all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them; and
they who keep their first estate shall be added upon.”
(Abraham 3:25-26)
It is my hope that we can use our patriarchal blessings to
know God’s will, give us support during our life and help us to keep His
commandments, so that we may be added upon in the place prepared for us by a
loving Father and inherit all that He has, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
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